Aspect Ratio


Frame Rate

29,97 fps



Galapagos' brown Pelican perched on black volcanic rocks on the shore

Galapagos Fauna - Clip 154

$39.00 tax inc.
Resolution: HD


Beauty of Galapagos' Bird Species.

In this shot from the Galapagos, a brown pelican commands attention as it perches stoically atop jagged, black volcanic rocks. The clip shows the pelican’s large body, predominantly gray-brown with a lighter, white head, standing in sharp contrast against the dark, uneven surfaces of the rocks. Its elongated beak, hinting at a pale yellow, curves gracefully downwards. Behind the bird, sparse greenery and a few scattered bushes dot the otherwise stark landscape. This footage captures a moment of calm, showcasing the pelican’s impressive stature and the rugged beauty of its natural habitat.

Closeup Shot Shows The Beautiful Body of A Brown Pelican on Black Rocks.

This high-resolution footage captures the serene presence of a brown pelican perched atop the rugged volcanic rocks of the Galapagos Islands. Filmed by our professional videographers using advanced cameras, the clarity and detail of the pelican and its surroundings are meticulously preserved. The video is available in both 2160p 4K and 1080p HD formats, catering to various viewing preferences and ensuring the highest quality for all users. Furthermore, this shot is adaptable for different platforms, available in a 16:9 landscape mode ideal for traditional viewing experiences and a 9:16 portrait mode, perfect for mobile users and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram reels, TikTok, and YouTube shorts.

The lifecycle of the brown pelican is closely tied to its coastal environment. Breeding primarily on isolated islands, these birds are known for their dramatic plunge-diving behavior when feeding. The pelican's choice of rocky, coastal perches, as seen in the footage, plays a critical role in their daily routines of scouting for fish. After a successful dive, pelicans can be seen draining water from their bills before swallowing their catch, a unique behavior among bird species. This footage provides a glimpse into the daily life and feeding habits of one of the most iconic birds found along the Galapagos shores, emphasizing its adaptation to the marine-rich environment

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Formats & Resolutions

4K Clip

  • Codec: H264
  • Resolution: 3840×2160
  • Frame Rate: 29,97 fps
  • Bitrate: 100 Mbit/s

1080P Clip

  • Codec: H264
  • Resolution: 1920×1080
  • Frame Rate: 29,97 fps
  • Bitrate: 100 Mbit/s

Vertical Clip

  • Codec: H264
  • Resolution: 1080×1920
  • Frame Rate: 29,97 fps
  • Bitrate: 50 Mbit/s

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