Aspect Ratio


Frame Rate

29,97 fps



Island hopping with whale sharks in Oslob - Overhead drone shot

Philippines - Clip 65

$39.00 tax inc.
Resolution: HD


Philippines' Island Hopping.

This overhead drone shot captures the vibrant activity of island hopping and whale shark interaction in Oslob, Philippines. The clear turquoise waters reveal multiple traditional Filipino boats with outriggers, each carrying groups of people. Several whale sharks can be seen swimming near the surface, interacting with the boats and the people in the water. The distinct shadows of the whale sharks beneath the water create a wonderful contrast against the bright blue sea. The boats are evenly spaced, forming a line parallel to the shore, highlighting the popular tourist activity of swimming with whale sharks, and showcasing the natural beauty and marine biodiversity of the Philippines.

Top-Down Footage Shows Line of Outriggers Boats with Whale Sharks.

This captivating drone footage offers a bird’s eye view of island hopping and whale shark interaction in Oslob, Philippines. The video, captured in high resolution by skilled videographers, showcases the clear turquoise waters teeming with activity. Traditional Filipino boats with outriggers are seen floating on the surface, while several whale sharks swim gracefully beneath. The footage is available in both 2160p 4K and 1080p HD, ensuring high-quality visuals for various applications. It is suitable for landscape mode (16:9 aspect ratio) and vertical mode (9:16 aspect ratio), making it perfect for social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts. This dynamic shot beautifully illustrates the unique interaction between humans and marine life.

Oslob, located in Cebu, is renowned for its whale shark-watching tours, which have become a major attraction for both local and international tourists. Whale sharks, the largest fish in the sea, are known for their docile nature and can grow up to 40 feet long. These gentle giants feed primarily on plankton and small fish, making them harmless to humans. The practice of whale shark watching in Oslob began in the early 2010s and has since provided significant economic benefits to the local community. However, it has also raised concerns about the impact on whale shark behavior and health due to close human interaction. Conservationists advocate for sustainable tourism practices to ensure the protection of these magnificent creatures while allowing people to experience their presence in a responsible manner.

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Formats & Resolutions

4K Clip

  • Codec: H264
  • Resolution: 3840×2160
  • Frame Rate: 29,97 fps
  • Bitrate: 100 Mbit/s

1080P Clip

  • Codec: H264
  • Resolution: 1920×1080
  • Frame Rate: 29,97 fps
  • Bitrate: 100 Mbit/s

Vertical Clip

  • Codec: H264
  • Resolution: 1080×1920
  • Frame Rate: 29,97 fps
  • Bitrate: 50 Mbit/s

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