Aspect Ratio


Frame Rate

29,97 fps



Blue footed booby marine birds enjoying the seascape in Galápagos

Galapagos Fauna - Clip 170

$39.00 tax inc.
Resolution: HD


Wings of Wonder: Avian Fauna and Enigmatic Birds.

This clip offers a serene view of a Blue-footed Booby, a marine bird synonymous with the Galapagos archipelago, perched stoically on the sunlit boulders at the edge of the sea. The bird’s plumage blends muted brown and white tones, which provides a soft contrast to the dark, volcanic rocks beneath it. Its famous blue feet are visible, adding a splash of color to the otherwise neutral tones of its surroundings. The video shot also features the deep blue of the Pacific Ocean, dotted with the gentle waves that caress the rugged coastline.

Stunning Clip of Blue-Footed Booby | Marine Birds of Galápagos.

This clip showcases a Blue-footed Booby in its natural setting on the Galapagos Islands, captured in high-definition 4K resolution by professional videographers. The footage is crisp, bringing out the subtle details and colors of the bird’s distinctive blue feet and brown-and-white plumage. Available in both 2160p 4K and 1080p HD, this video provides flexibility for various broadcast and digital formats. It is also available in landscape mode for standard viewing experiences and vertical mode for mobile devices and social media channels like Facebook, Instagram reels, TikTok, and YouTube shorts.

Blue-footed Boobies are iconic symbols of the Galapagos Islands, known for their unique mating dance and striking blue feet, which play a crucial role in courtship rituals. These birds are adept at diving from great heights to catch fish, and their presence on the islands is a key attraction for wildlife enthusiasts and ornithologists. This footage not only captures the serene beauty of these birds in their natural habitat but also serves as an educational tool, helping to raise awareness about the importance of preserving natural habitats for such unique species.

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Formats & Resolutions

4K Clip

  • Codec: H264
  • Resolution: 3840×2160
  • Frame Rate: 29,97 fps
  • Bitrate: 100 Mbit/s

1080P Clip

  • Codec: H264
  • Resolution: 1920×1080
  • Frame Rate: 29,97 fps
  • Bitrate: 100 Mbit/s

Vertical Clip

  • Codec: H264
  • Resolution: 1080×1920
  • Frame Rate: 29,97 fps
  • Bitrate: 50 Mbit/s

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