Aspect Ratio


Frame Rate

29,97 fps



Drone flying over colorful houses of La Trinidad, Philippines

Philippines - Clip 21

$39.00 tax inc.
Resolution: HD


View of Philippines Densely-Packed Houses.

This shot features an aerial shot soaring over the vibrant, densely packed houses of La Trinidad in the Philippines. As the drone flies over, the viewer is treated to a kaleidoscope of brightly colored roofs in shades of red, blue, green, and yellow, clustered tightly on the hillside. The structures vary in size and shape, creating a patchwork effect that is visually striking from above. The surrounding landscape is lush and green, contrasting sharply with the urban environment. This video clip highlights the unique, colorful architecture of La Trinidad but also gives a glimpse into the tightly-knit community structure typical of this region. The dynamic nature of the shot provides a comprehensive overview of the area's topography and residential patterns.

Drone Footage of La Trinidad's Hillside Crowded Communities with Colorful Houses.

This video footage, expertly shot using sophisticated drone technology, captures the vivid, densely-packed houses of La Trinidad, Philippines. The clip is recorded in the highest quality 2160p 4K resolution as well as in 1080p HD, providing a detailed and colorful overview of this unique urban landscape. Suitable for landscape viewing, the footage offers a 16:9 aspect ratio that enhances the visual impact of the tightly clustered homes. A vertical format in a 9:16 aspect ratio is also available, tailored for use on smartphones, and optimized for content sharing on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts.

La Trinidad, known for its strikingly colorful houses, is a vibrant canvas that reflects the community's spirit and creativity. This tradition of painting houses in bright colors began as part of a government initiative to beautify the town, which quickly turned into a symbol of pride and identity for the residents. Each color and pattern tells a story, often conveying messages or reflecting the family's history or aspirations. The visual appeal of these homes has transformed La Trinidad into a popular tourist attraction, drawing visitors who are eager to witness this spectacular urban art firsthand, thus contributing to the local economy and community cohesion.

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Formats & Resolutions

4K Clip

  • Codec: H264
  • Resolution: 3840×2160
  • Frame Rate: 29,97 fps
  • Bitrate: 100 Mbit/s

1080P Clip

  • Codec: H264
  • Resolution: 1920×1080
  • Frame Rate: 29,97 fps
  • Bitrate: 100 Mbit/s

Vertical Clip

  • Codec: H264
  • Resolution: 1080×1920
  • Frame Rate: 29,97 fps
  • Bitrate: 50 Mbit/s

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