Aspect Ratio


Frame Rate

29,97 fps



Tarsiers, cute primate species found in Southeast Asia, closeup shot

Philippines - Clip 49

$39.00 tax inc.
Resolution: HD


Philippine Wildlife Biodiversity. 

This video catches portrait footage of a Tarsier, a small primate with large, round eyes, gripping tightly to a thin branch in the Philippines Forests. The Tarsier's fur is a mix of grey and brown, blending seamlessly with the dark, woody textures of the branch. It appears alert, its eyes wide open, scanning its surroundings. The backdrop is a vibrant green, with soft-focus leaves that suggest a dense, tropical forest environment, typical of this species habitat in Southeast Asia. This particular clip provides a detailed view of the Tarsier's delicate fingers, which wrap around the branch, highlighting the primate's adaptation to an arboreal lifestyle. The natural daylight enhances the vivid colors of the forest and the subtle details of the Tarsier’s fur.

Intriguing Close-Up Shot of a Tarsier Perched in a Lush Environment.

This footage captures the tiny prince of the Philippines jungle in a natural setting with striking clarity and vividness. The shot was taken using advanced camera equipment that ensures high resolution, resulting in a captivating image quality. Both 2160p 4K and 1080p HD formats are available, offering versatility for different viewing platforms. The footage is perfect for landscape viewing with a 16:9 aspect ratio, ideal for documentary sequences or educational broadcasts. Additionally, it is also available in a 9:16 vertical format, making it suitable for smartphone screens and social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts. This is a valuable resource for content creators looking to enhance their visual storytelling about rare wildlife or tropical environments.

The Philippine tarsier, featured in this video, faces significant conservation challenges. As one of the smallest primates, tarsiers are vulnerable to habitat destruction due to deforestation and land conversion for agriculture. These practices threaten their natural habitats in Southeast Asia, particularly in the Philippines. Conservation efforts are critical in ensuring the survival of this species, which relies on undisturbed forests to thrive. Educational programs and wildlife documentaries can play a pivotal role in raising awareness about the tarsier’s plight. Utilizing footage like this not only enriches content but also fosters a connection between the audience and conservation issues, highlighting the importance of preserving such unique species for future generations

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Formats & Resolutions

4K Clip

  • Codec: H264
  • Resolution: 3840×2160
  • Frame Rate: 29,97 fps
  • Bitrate: 100 Mbit/s

1080P Clip

  • Codec: H264
  • Resolution: 1920×1080
  • Frame Rate: 29,97 fps
  • Bitrate: 100 Mbit/s

Vertical Clip

  • Codec: H264
  • Resolution: 1080×1920
  • Frame Rate: 29,97 fps
  • Bitrate: 50 Mbit/s

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